Friends of Fineshade

Back from the Brink project
This national project aimed to help save more than 100 species that are on the brink of extinction in the UK. The Back from the Brink (BftB) programme was run by Natural England and the Partnership for Species Conservation – a coalition of seven of the UK’s leading wildlife charities. It received substantial finding from the Heritage Lottery Fund.
You can read more about the national project here: https://naturebftb.co.uk
30th July 2021
Butterfly Conservation have been awarded £240,000 by the Green Recovery Challenge Fund, which will enable them to continue their work to secure the future of the Chequered Skipper in Rockingham Forest!
Friends of Fineshade are joining the celebrations!

BftB in Fineshade and Rockingham Forest
The national program included 20 separate local projects where work was carried out with landowners, land managers, volunteers and communities, inspiring people to get involved.
One of these local projects aimed to restore Rockingham Forest's species, restoring and managing woodland sites to increase the distribution and awareness of a range of target species and to re-introduce the Chequered Skipper butterfly to England.
This part of the project, known as Roots of Rockingham was led by Butterfly Conservation with project officer, Susannah O'Riordan, based at Top Lodge, Fineshade.
You can read about the background to the decision to base the project in Fineshade here and some of the key achievements here.

Chequered Skipper. Photo Peter Eeles