Friends of Fineshade

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Friends of Fineshade is a loose association of individuals who appreciate the qualities that make
this a unique location.
We are indebted to Mark Ayres of Kings Cliffe for volunteering extensive help and advice in the creation and maintenance of this website. Trading as Splash Web Mark is a Search Marketing freelancer, providing Wix and WordPress web development and maintenance, plus SEO consulting services.
Logo representing Fineshade's veteran Ash tree by Richard Galpin
Join the Friends
You can support Fineshade Wood by joining the Friends of Fineshade.
We'll put you on our mailing list for occasional email newsletters and you'll be there when Fineshade next needs help.
We will not share your email address with anyone else, under any circumstances. You will be able to unsubscribe from the list at any time.
Very many thanks also to the following Friends who have contributed in various ways to this website:
Lea Arden, Fineshade
Marion Ashby, Peterborough
Alex and Clare Ashington, Cheshire
Mark Avery, Raunds
George Batchelor, Suffolk
Sue Benjamin, formerly of Tixover
Jeff Blincow, Northants
Cherry annd Jess Bonney, Easton-on-the-Hill
Bob Bullock, former Northants Bird Recorder
Ken Davies, Folksworth, near Peterborough
Roger Eads, Northants
Peter Eeles, editor of dispar
Richard Eckton, Cheshire
Trish and Barrie Galpin, Fineshade
Richard Galpin, London
Douglas Goddard, former Northants Butterfly Recorder
Shenagh and Paul Hackett, Fineshade
Simon Haigh, artist
Mark Hammond, Northants Moth recorder
Kurt and Lee Hellwing, photographers, Stamford
Derek Holman, Corby
Daegan Inward, Forest Research Entomologist
John Isherwood, Fineshade
Martin Izzard, Butterfly Conservation, Rushden
Anna Jordan, Norfolk Ant Recorder
Brian Laney, Plant and Reptile Recorder Northants
Caroline Lloyd, Devon
Robert Meadows, Kings Cliffe
Jandy Photography, Stamford
Lynda Peirce, Fineshade
Phil Richardson, Northants Mammals Recorder
John Rogers, Oakham
Niall Rudd, Fineshade
Matthew Rumbelow, Barrowden
Peter Scott, Oakham
John Showers, Diptera recorder Northants
James Smith, Buckinghamshire
Simon Sparkes
Terry Tew, photographer, Corby
Mark Tyrrell, Northants Dragonfly Recorder
Tony Vials, Rushden
Rita Walsh, Derbyshire
Linda Worrall, Barrowden