Friends of Fineshade

Images of Fineshade Wood
This section of the website consists only of images and we would love to publish your pictures of Fineshade Wood here.
Go to these separate pages to see themed images:
The busy road to Top Lodge
Water and Mud - not very pretty!
After Storm Doris
And below is a mixed selection of pictures.
Click on any image to enlarge it and read details.
Please can we publish your pictures too?

Perhaps the most iconic of Fineshade's birds

A well-positioned seat looking into Westhay Wood

A big event was "organised" at Top Lodge

Seen from the Wildlife Hide

If the Forest Holidays development went ahead there would have been a cabin here

In early autumn the colours here could be spectacular

Some people call this the Cathedral Tree

On the southern side of Fineshade, this is privately owned woodland, but a public footpath passes right by.

Very ah-bless! But bad news for young trees.

This is Hollow Wood, near to Kingscliffe in 2010. Sadly this activity has now stopped

The Jurassic Way long distance path looks down over this privately owned house

One of the Forestry Commission signs in the picture declares that this is one of their "Inspired Spaces"